Mouth-Watering Dulce De Leche: A Decadent Recipe

Dear readers,

Are you searching for a sweet and decadent treat that will satisfy your sweet tooth? Look no further than this dulce de leche fudge-like vanilla caramel recipe. This sinfully delicious treat combines the creamy richness of dulce de leche fudge with the classic flavor of vanilla caramel for a dessert that will leave you wanting more.

As a chef specializing in Brazilian and American cuisine, I am always on the lookout for recipes that bring together the best of both worlds. And this dulce de leche recipe does exactly that. It takes one ingredient, sweetened condensed milk, and transforms it into a rich caramel sauce made even more decadent with the addition of white chocolate.

With just three hours of cook time, this recipe is perfect for those looking to indulge in something special without spending all day in the kitchen. Plus, it can easily be adapted to fit any occasion or setting, from a small batch for an intimate dinner party to a large tray for a family gathering.

So why not give this dulce de leche fudge-like vanilla caramel recipe a try? Your taste buds will thank you.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Dulce De Leche - Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel - It's Sinfully Wond
Dulce De Leche – Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel – It’s Sinfully Wond

Dear food lovers,

Are you ready to tantalize your taste buds with a sinfully delicious dessert? Look no further than this recipe for Dulce de Leche – Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel. Trust me, you’ll absolutely love it!

Firstly, let me tell you about the star of this recipe- dulce de leche. If you’re not familiar with it, let me give you a quick brief. Dulce de leche is made from sweetened condensed milk that’s gently cooked until it becomes a thick, rich caramel-like sauce. The result is an irresistibly creamy and indulgent flavor.

Now, imagine infusing that rich caramel sauce with the delightful aroma of vanilla bean. The combination of the two flavors creates an unparalleled and unique experience for your taste buds. You’ll immediately notice how these flavors complement each other perfectly.

What sets this apart from ordinary caramel is its fudge-like texture. This adds another dimension of mouth-watering sensation to the dessert. Not too soft, not too hard but just right! You’ll experience a symphony of flavors and textures that will transport you to dessert heaven!

The great thing about this recipe is that it’s simple to make, requiring only one ingredient – the sweetened condensed milk (the foundation for your dulce de leche). Even though the recipe requires some patience and waiting as everything cooks down for hours in a double boiler, trust me when I say- it’s completely worth it! It makes around 12 servings but can easily be halved or doubled making it an ideal dessert for any occasion – big or small.

In conclusion, if you’re looking to indulge in something sweet, creamy and utterly divine – then this Dulce de Leche – Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel should be at the top of your list! Trust me; your taste buds will thank you for indulging in this unparalleled treat!

Ingredient List

 Thick, creamy and indulgent, Dulce de Leche is perfect for those with a sweet tooth.
Thick, creamy and indulgent, Dulce de Leche is perfect for those with a sweet tooth.

Before starting to prepare this dulce de leche fudge-like vanilla caramel recipe, make sure you have all the ingredients needed. This recipe requires only a few basic ingredients which are easily available in your kitchen or local grocery store.

Here are the ingredients you will need:

  • 1 can of sweetened condensed milk (14 oz)
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • Water

Note: You can also use vanilla extract instead of vanilla bean.

That’s it! Only three ingredients are needed to create a rich and flavorful caramel sauce perfect for desserts such as cake, ice cream, or even coffee.

Now, let’s move on to the next section and discover why this recipe is worth trying out.

The Recipe How-To

 This golden, fudge-like caramel is guaranteed to satisfy even the most demanding of palates.
This golden, fudge-like caramel is guaranteed to satisfy even the most demanding of palates.

Now that you have gathered all the ingredients for the dulce de leche fudge-like vanilla caramel recipe, let’s dive into the cooking process. In this section, I will guide you through step by step to achieve a perfect outcome. Are you ready? Let’s put on our chef hats and get started!

Steps to Make Dulce De Leche Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel
Step 1: Cooking the Sweetened Condensed Milk

  • Place the cans of sweetened condensed milk in a deep pot, making sure they are fully submerged in water.
  • Boil the water and let it simmer over low heat for 3 hours.
  • Add more water if needed to keep the cans completely covered at all times.
  • Allow the cans to cool for at least one hour before opening.

Tip: Be mindful that if the cans are not entirely covered in water during simmering, they may explode. To avoid this, ensure they are completely submerged at all times.

Step 2: Preparing Dulce De Leche Fudge

  1. Take a can of cooled sweetened condensed milk and remove its label.
  2. Open it with a can opener, and pour it into a double boiler or a heat-safe bowl over a pot of boiling water heated over medium-high heat.
  3. Stir constantly for approximately 10-20 minutes, or until it reaches your desired thickness.

Step 3: Flavors and Additional Ingredients

  1. Add in seeds scraped from one vanilla bean or one teaspoon of vanilla extract to the hot mixture and stir well.
  2. Melt (optional): If you’d like, melt one cup of white chocolate chips or brown sugar in another double boiler, then stir the mixture into the dulce de leche.
  3. For Caramel Sauce: Mix half of the dulce de leche with a bit of evaporated milk until it reaches your desired consistency and drizzle it on top of desserts or pancakes.

Step 4: Cooling and Cutting

Pour the hot dulce de leche fudge mixture into a parchment-lined 8×8-inch pan, smoothing the top with a knife.

Chill in the fridge for at least an hour or until firm.

Cut into 16 squares or as per your preference and serve chilled.

Now, you have successfully made yourself this delicious bunch of rich caramel fudge-like goodness. Don’t forget to consume in moderation as you might get addicted to its sinfully wond flavor!

The Best Way to Serve Dulce De Leche Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel

This fudge is best served chilled as it allows for easier cutting and consumption. Arrange them on a platter and garnish them with some sea salt or chopped nuts

Substitutions and Variations

 Dulce de Leche is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide range of dishes, from cakes and cookies to ice cream and milkshakes.
Dulce de Leche is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide range of dishes, from cakes and cookies to ice cream and milkshakes.

Are you looking to switch things up or make this recipe your own? There are plenty of substitutions and variations to try with this dulce de leche recipe!

Substitution Tips:

If you don’t have a vanilla bean on hand, don’t worry! You can use vanilla extract instead. Simply add about 1-2 teaspoons to the sweetened condensed milk before cooking.

For a different flavor profile, you can swap out the white chocolate chips for dark chocolate chips or even butterscotch chips.

To make a smaller batch, you can cut the ingredient measurements in half and prepare the dulce de leche in a small saucepan instead of a double boiler.

Variation Ideas:

One great way to elevate this dulce de leche recipe is to turn it into a caramel sauce made with condensed milk. Once your dulce de leche is ready, stir in a little bit of water or heavy cream to create a more pourable consistency.

Another variation is to turn your dulce de leche into a mug cake or dessert dip. Simply mix together equal parts dulce de leche and cream cheese for a rich and indulgent dip that’s perfect for graham crackers or apple slices.

Lastly, consider adding some chopped nuts like pecans or almonds to the fudge mixture for an extra crunch factor.

No matter how you decide to customize this recipe, remember that the possibilities are endless! Have fun experimenting and discovering what works best for you.

Serving and Pairing

 With its rich flavor and buttery texture, Dulce de Leche is the perfect topping for pancakes, waffles or cereal bowls.
With its rich flavor and buttery texture, Dulce de Leche is the perfect topping for pancakes, waffles or cereal bowls.

This rich and creamy Dulce De Leche Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel is best served at room temperature, making it the perfect dessert option for any time of year. Serve it up as a sweet end to any meal or as a luxurious treat to satisfy your sweet tooth cravings.

One great way to serve this dessert is by drizzling your Dulce De Leche Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel over a slice of warm apple pie for a decadent and unforgettable dessert pairing. You can also top it off with whipped cream and caramel sauce made with this same recipe for added indulgence.

To complement the richness of this dessert, consider pairing it with a light and refreshing beverage, such as a sparkling water with lemon or lime, or even an aromatic cup of tea.

And don’t forget that while this recipe yields a small batch, it’s easy to double or triple the ingredients for larger gatherings. You can also portion it in individual jars or ramekins for an elegant presentation on your dessert table.

So whether you’re planning a special occasion meal or just want to treat yourself after a long day, this Dulce De Leche Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel is sure to impress and leave you feeling contentedly indulgent.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Best served warm, when it is at its creamiest, this decadent dessert is sure to become a household favorite.
Best served warm, when it is at its creamiest, this decadent dessert is sure to become a household favorite.

As a busy chef, I know the importance of preparing ahead of time. When it comes to dulce de leche, it is an excellent recipe to make ahead of time and store for when you need a quick sweet fix. To make-ahead, simply follow the recipe as instructed and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

When it comes to reheating, there are several options available to you. The easiest way to reheat the caramel fudge is to warm it up in the microwave for 20 seconds, stirring after every 10 seconds until it reaches your desired consistency. However, if you prefer not to use a microwave, then simply place the dulce de leche in a small saucepan and heat on low heat until it becomes soft again.

Another way to enjoy dulce de leche is by using it as a topping for ice cream or pancakes. To store caramel sauce made with sweetened condensed milk in the refrigeration, let it cool down before pouring into an airtight container or mason jar. You can then simply warm up the desired amount in its container using any of the above methods we have discussed.

If you are looking to store dulce de leche for longer periods (up to six months), then I suggest freezing it. Simply transfer the fudge-like vanilla caramel into an ice cube tray or freezer-safe container and freeze until solid. When ready to use, thaw the desired quantity either overnight in the fridge or using the double boiler method as described earlier.

I believe that with these tips on make-ahead, storing and reheating dulce de leche caramel sauce made with sweetened condensed milk, you can always have rich caramel at hand whenever needed without having to start afresh every time.

Tips for Perfect Results

When preparing my Dulce De Leche, Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel recipe, there are a few tips I’d like to share to help you achieve perfect results.

Firstly, make sure to use good quality ingredients. The vanilla bean and sweetened condensed milk are the stars of this recipe, so using subpar versions of these ingredients will affect the overall taste and texture of your dulce de leche.

Secondly, it’s important to be patient when cooking the sweetened condensed milk. This process typically takes around 2-3 hours, but it’s crucial not to rush it. A slow and steady simmer will allow the milk sugar to caramelize properly and create that rich caramel flavor we’re looking for.

Another tip is to use a double boiler when cooking the sweetened condensed milk. This will ensure that the heat is evenly distributed and prevent the milk from scorching or burning on the bottom of the pan.

If you prefer a firmer fudge-like consistency for your dulce de leche, add less water to your double boiler or substitute evaporated milk for water in the recipe. This will result in a thicker and denser fudge-like texture that’s perfect for spreading on toast or dipping fruit.

For those who love a little extra sweetness, try swirling in some white chocolate chips or stirring in some brown sugar during the cooking process. This will add a depth of flavor and make your dulce de leche even more irresistible!

Lastly, don’t be afraid to experiment with this recipe and create your own variations. Use it as a topping for ice cream, mix it into your brownie batter, or even pour it over a mug cake for an indulgent treat. The possibilities are endless with this versatile condensed milk caramel sauce made from one ingredient – sweetened condensed milk!


Before wrapping up this recipe article, I’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions that I’ve encountered to help make this recipe as smooth as possible. These questions aim to give you an idea of the probable scenario that you can encounter when making your own Dulce De Leche – Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel masterpiece. Read on to learn more about this rich caramel sauce made from one ingredient and the possible troubleshooting tips that you can use for a perfect result.

What is the difference between caramel and dulce de leche?

Although caramel and dulce de leche may have a resemblance in terms of appearance and taste, the techniques and ingredients used in their preparation are actually distinct. The former requires a steady boiling process of water and sugar, while the latter involves a slow simmering of milk and sugar until it transforms into a creamy, caramelized substance.

Can you substitute dulce de leche for caramel?

When it comes to using dulce de leche and caramel in recipes, they can be used interchangeably. Nonetheless, it’s vital to keep in mind that there will be differences in texture and taste, which can influence the authenticity of the recipe depending on the region.

Is dulce de leche just sweetened condensed milk?

One can whip up a velvety caramel sauce known as Dulce de leche by simply using a single component, namely, sweetened condensed milk.

How long does it take for condensed milk to turn into dulce de leche?

To make dulce de leche, start by cooking a can of condensed milk for 2 to 3 hours. The cooking time will vary on how thick and dark you want the caramel to be. For a lighter caramel, cook it for 2 hours, while for a darker, thicker caramel, go for 3 hours. Keep an eye on the water level in the pot, and add more as needed to keep the can submerged while it cooks.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this recipe for Dulce De Leche – Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel is not only sinfully delicious but also easy to make with just one ingredient – sweetened condensed milk. The rich caramel flavor and fudge-like consistency will make your taste buds dance with joy. Moreover, you can try out different variations by adding chocolate chips or white chocolate to create a unique twist.

By following the tips and recommendations shared in this article, you can create homemade dulce de leche that is far superior in taste and quality compared to store-bought caramel sauce. Furthermore, this recipe can be used in a wide variety of sweet treats such as cakes, cookies, cupcakes, or even drizzled over ice cream.

In essence, If you have three hours to spare and a double boiler, I highly recommend making this flavorful Dulce De Leche – Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel recipe. Your family and friends will thank you for it! Don’t hesitate to experiment with the recipe and flavor combinations. Cheers to enjoying life’s sweet moments!

Dulce De Leche - Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel - It's Sinfully Wond

Dulce De Leche - Fudge-Like Vanilla Caramel - It's Sinfully Wond Recipe

Good thing Eve didn't have this to dip her apple into or we'd be in a lot of trouble. This is Sinfully, yummy, rich, dreamy & creamy. Great for GODDESS parties! Use to dip rims of martini glasses, top your favorite ice cream. Or if with your favorite someone use as body paint. Caramel is a passion in Argentina, where dulce de leche is originated. This is made in an entirely different manner, then we are used to. Sweet milk (sweetened, condensed milk) is simmered until it becomes thick and golden brown. The resulting caramel has a sweet, milky flavor and a thick, fudge-like texture. This is what dulce de leche ice cream is all about. Try caramel cheesecake. Or use like a fondue by dipping cookies or fruit into it. It's time consuming but very easy. Can be made plain or flavored with vanilla bean (you can see the specks of beans in the pictures) or citrus zest. Try instant coffee/espresso, chocolate, coconut endless possibilities.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 2 hrs
Course Dessert
Cuisine Latin American
Calories 254.8 kcal


  • 2 (14 ounce) cans sweetened condensed milk or (14 ounce) cans fat-free sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/2 vanilla bean (Seeds scraped out from pod)
  • citrus zest


  • Heat to water in simmer in a double boiler.
  • Place sweetened, condensed milk and flavoring in the top of a double boiler and cook for about two hours yes 2 hours , stirring every five minutes. It would be good to set a cooking timer to remind you when to return to the kitchen and stir.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 52gCalories: 254.8kcalCarbohydrates: 43.2gProtein: 6.3gFat: 6.9gSaturated Fat: 4.4gCholesterol: 27mgSodium: 100.8mgSugar: 43.2g
Keyword < 4 Hours, Dessert, Easy, European, Sauces, South American, Spanish, Stove Top, Sweet, Venezuelan
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Dora is a chef well-versed in Brazilian and American cuisine. After a hard day's work in the kitchen of her restaurant, she finds the time to jot down recipes for her food blog. Her recipes are sure to delight foodies everywhere, as she strives to make each one unique and enjoyable to read.