Indulge in Delicious Dulce De Leche Cupcakes Today!

Oh, lovely reader, hark! I have a recipe for thee that is simply divine in every way. A delicate and delicious confection, ready to delight your senses and leave your taste buds singing with pleasure. Behold, the Dulce de Leche Cupcakes Recipe!

This recipe hath been passed down through generations of my culinary family, each one adding their own touch of magic to create a true culinary masterpiece. These cupcakes art not just any ordinary cupcakes, no no, they art a sweet and creamy treat that will transport thee straight to the heart of Brazil.

I must confess that these cupcakes hold a very special place in mine own heart. The first time I tried them was many years ago while traveling in Latin America. The richness and creaminess of the dulce de leche captured my heart right away, and I knew I had to create my own version of this heavenly dessert once I returned home.

And so I did, with many hours of testing and experimenting until the perfect balance of sweetness was achieved. And now, dear reader, I presenteth to thee this recipe that is sure to make thy taste buds dance with joy.

So prepare thyself for the ultimate indulgence and let us embark on this sweet journey together. Thou shalt be delighted with every single bite of these exquisite Dulce de Leche Cupcakes!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Dulce De Leche Cupcakes
Dulce De Leche Cupcakes

Hark! All food enthusiasts, heed my words! Ye shall not find a more delicious, delectable, and scrumptious dessert than these Dulce De Leche Cupcakes! These cupcakes are nothing short of a magnificent creation that will tantalize your taste buds with every bite.

For those who love the sweet and salty combination, these cupcakes offer soft, fluffy, and moist cake with a luscious, creamy filling of dulcet dulce de leche caramel. Moreover, the extravagance doesn’t stop there; topped with a salted Dulce de Leche Buttercream Frosting, these cupcakes are a gourmet indulgence fit for queens and kings, equally.

Not convinced yet? Picture sinking your teeth into one of these heavenly desserts at your next family gathering or party – envied by all. These cupcakes are guaranteed to leave your guests speechless and yearning for more- mark my words!

In conclusion, these Dulce De Leche Cupcakes are not just any other dessert recipe but rather an indulgent masterpiece that will elevate your baking prowess and leave you addicted once tried. The combination of sweet and salty flavors is nothing short of magical; henceforth, I entreat thee to give it a go and indulge in heaven’s sweetness in every bite- you won’t be disappointed!

Ingredient List

 Ready to indulge in some sweet treats with a touch of caramel goodness?
Ready to indulge in some sweet treats with a touch of caramel goodness?

To make these delicious dulce de leche cupcakes, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • ¼ tsp baking soda
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ½ cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • ¾ cup white granulated sugar
  • 2 large eggs, room temperature
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ cup whole milk, room temperature
  • ¾ cup dulce de leche, divided

For the Dulce De Leche Buttercream:

  • 1 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 3 cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 tbsp heavy cream
  • ½ cup dulce de leche

Note: It’s better to have all the ingredients at room temperature before starting the recipe.

The Recipe How-To

 Get ready to sink your teeth into these delightful Dulce De Leche cupcakes.
Get ready to sink your teeth into these delightful Dulce De Leche cupcakes.

Step 1 – Preheating the oven

To start, preheat your oven to 350°F (177°C). Then, line 2 muffin pans with cupcake liners that you like.

Step 2 – Preparing the Batter

Take a large mixing bowl and cream together softened unsalted butter with granulated sugar for about 3-4 minutes on medium-high speed with a handheld mixer or stand mixer fitted with paddle attachment until light and fluffy. Then add in 2 large eggs (room temperature) beating well after each addition.

In another bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt together. Set aside.

Take a third small mixing bowl and whisk together milk, Dulce de Leche and vanilla extract. Add this mixture to the butter mixture and mix on low speed until just combined. Don’t overmix.

Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients in three parts, alternating with the milk mixture in two parts (staring and ending it with the dry ingredients). Mix just until they are incorporated. Don’t overmix.

Step 3 – Baking the Cupcakes

Pour batter into prepared cupcake liners filling each about two-thirds full.

Bake at 350°F (177°C) for about 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Remove from oven and let cool in pans for 5 minutes before transferring them onto wire racks to cool completely.

Step 4 – Making the Dulce de Leche Buttercream Frosting

While the cupcakes are cooling, prepare your frosting. Take a large mixing bowl and cream butter until light and fluffy using a handheld mixer or stand mixer fitted with paddle attachment.

Then add dulce de leche and powdered sugar slowly (in parts) mixing them until creamy.

Add heavy cream, one tablespoon at a time, mixing after each addition. You may add more heavy cream if the frosting is thicker than you prefer. Finally, add a pinch of salt and mix again.

Step 5 – Decorating the Cupcakes

Once the cupcakes are cooled completely, use a pastry bag fitted with a small opening tip to pipe Dulce de Leche Buttercream Frosting on each cupcake. Garnish with half teaspoon of mini chocolate chips over the top of each cupcake.

These Dulce de Leche Cupcakes are ready to be served, enjoy!

Substitutions and Variations

 Nothing says
Nothing says “dessert heaven” like these delicious cupcakes oozing with dulce de leche filling.

Dear reader, if you are looking for ways to add your own twist to the dulce de leche cupcake recipe, I am delighted to tell you that there are many substitutions and variations you can make to create a unique flavor. Here are some ideas for you:

1. Chocolate Dulce de Leche Cupcakes – If you are a chocolate lover, you can add cocoa powder or melted chocolate to the batter for a rich and decadent treat. You can also top the cupcakes with chocolate ganache or chocolate chips.

2. Banana Dulce de Leche Cupcakes – For a fruity twist, add mashed bananas to the batter. The natural sweetness of the bananas combines perfectly with the dulce de leche flavors.

3. Churro Cupcakes – Incorporate cinnamon into your frosting and sprinkle some on top of the cupcakes to mimic the taste of a churro. The crispy and sweet topping will be the perfect contrast with the soft base.

4. Pear Dulce de Leche Cupcakes – For a fall-inspired flavor, add diced pears to the batter, and top it with a dollop of whipped cream and caramel sauce.

5. Tres Leches Dulce de Leche Cupcakes – If you want to make your cupcakes even more decadent, use a tres leches cake mix instead of regular flour. Soak your cake cut in a mixture of evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk, and whole milk until everything is well-coated. Then place dulce de leche pastry buttercream on each cupcake using a pastry bag filled with dulce de leche buttercream and piped through a small opening tip.

6. Vanilla Bean Dulce de Leche Cupcakes – Substitute vanilla extract with fresh vanilla bean pods in both the cupcakes and frosting recipe for an elevated flavor experience.

7.Cinnamon Swirl Cupcakes – Create cinnamon swirls in your cupcake by adding ground cinnamon and confectioners’ sugar in the middle layer of the batter. The result will be a beautiful spiral of cinnamon sweetness.

8. Cheesecake Dulce de Leche Cupcakes – Combine cream cheese and sweetened condensed milk to create a silky texture that you can top your cupcakes with, to create a dulce de leche cheesecake inspired treat.

9. Gluten-free Dulce de Leche Cupcakes – Replace all-purpose flour with gluten-free alternatives such as almond flour or oat flour. You can also substitute regular milk for almond milk or oat milk.


Serving and Pairing

 These cupcakes are the perfect balance of rich, caramel flavors with a subtle touch of sweetness.
These cupcakes are the perfect balance of rich, caramel flavors with a subtle touch of sweetness.

My dear and honored guests, these Dulce de Leche Cupcakes will become the perfect crown jewel of your dessert table. Beautifully crafted with love and incredible baking prowess, these cupcakes are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. They are perfect for any festive occasion, be it an afternoon tea party or a fancy, formal dinner gathering.

You’ll never go wrong by pairing these delicate little treats with a piping hot cup of Brazilian coffee. The rich flavor and buttery texture of the cake blend perfectly with the caramel-like taste of the dulce de leche frosting. And if you’re looking to impress your guests even more, try garnishing these babies with a sprinkle of confectioners’ sugar or chocolate shavings.

Additionally, If you want to try something unique, pair these cupcakes with other Latin American desserts such as churros or tres leches cake. The salted dulce de leche frosting is an excellent complement to many other exotic tastes and flavors.

So my dear home chefs and bakers, serve up these tempting delights at your next gathering and watch everyone’s taste buds light up with joy!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Don't just settle for plain cupcakes, give your tastebuds a treat with these sweet and flavorful Dulce De Leche cupcakes.
Don’t just settle for plain cupcakes, give your tastebuds a treat with these sweet and flavorful Dulce De Leche cupcakes.

Friends, lend me your ears, for I shall speaketh of a matter most prudent – the make-ahead, storing and reheating of these delectable Dulce De Leche Cupcakes. Fear not, for I shall guide you through every step with wisdom and ease.

Firstly, let us address the matter of making these cupcakes ahead of time. Good news, my dear friends! You may make the cupcakes in advance and store them for later use. How may this be achieved, you ask? It is quite simple. After you have made the cupcakes and let them cool completely, wrap them tightly in plastic wrap and store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two days. Or if thou wishes to keep them for longer, freeze them for up to two months (mayhap even longer). When the time comes when you wish to enjoy a sweet bite of these cupcakes that thou has worked so hard on, it is advisable that thou defrost them overnight in the fridge before proceeding with reheating or decorating.

Now then, let us talk about how to store these little bundles of joy. We would not wish for our beloved Dulce De Leche Cupcakes to go stale now will we? No indeed! For this reason, it is important to store the leftover cupcakes properly. Once they have been frosted with the buttercream and decorated as thou pleased (mayhap some frosting with chocolate or cinnamon?), be sure to store them in an airtight container at room temperature for no more than two days. However, shouldst thou find thyself with an overabundance of cupcakes that shall not be consumed within this time frame – never fear! Simply place them in the refrigerator for up to five days.

Finally, thou mayest wonder how best to reheat these cupcakes once they have been stored in the fridge or freezer. It is vital that thou remove them from the fridge or freezer and leave them to come to room temperature before reheating. To reheat them, preheat thy oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and place the cooled cupcakes on a baking sheet. Bake for 5 to 7 minutes, or until they are warmed through. Thou shalt bon appetit once more!

With these tips in hand, thou art now fully equipped to make ahead, store, and reheat these delicious Dulce De Leche Cupcakes. I bid thee farewell on your journey and, may your kitchens remain filled with sweet aromas of successful baking!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Get your daily dose of indulgence with every bite of these irresistible cupcakes.
Get your daily dose of indulgence with every bite of these irresistible cupcakes.

To achieve perfect results when baking Dulce de Leche Cupcakes, it is essential to pay attention to certain details. Here are some tips to help you create the best cupcakes and buttercream possible.

First, make sure all your ingredients are at room temperature. This includes the milk, eggs, butter, and dulce de leche. Room temperature ingredients combine more easily, resulting in a smoother batter.

When making the batter, sift the dry ingredients (flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt) together to avoid lumps. Then, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy before adding the eggs one at a time.

To ensure cupcakes have flat tops that are easy to decorate with frosting, add just enough batter to fill each cupcake liner two-thirds full. If you add too much batter, cupcakes will overflow and create muffin tops that don’t look as visually appealing.

When it comes to making the frosting for Dulce de Leche Cupcakes, start by beating the butter until it’s light and fluffy before adding the powdered sugar slowly. If you add all powdered sugar at once, it can result in lumps in your buttercream.

After adding milk or heavy cream to adjust consistency and flavor of your buttercream, beat it until it becomes fluffy and smooth with a handheld mixer or stand mixer using paddle attachment.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, these dulce de leche cupcakes are the perfect combination of sweet and creamy flavors. They are easy to make and perfect for any occasion, whether it’s a birthday party or an evening get-together with friends.

With its mouthwatering taste and delightful texture, this recipe is sure to be a hit. And with the variations and substitutions, you have endless possibilities to customize it to your liking.

So go ahead and indulge in some deliciousness, whip up a batch of these cupcakes and share them with your loved ones. I promise they will be amazed!

Dulce De Leche Cupcakes

Dulce De Leche Cupcakes Recipe

I love dulce de leche! From Raley's Something Extra.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 15 mins
Cook Time 20 mins
Course Dessert
Cuisine Argentine
Servings 9 cupcakes
Calories 261.7 kcal



  • 1/4 cup butter, at room temperature
  • 2/3 cup brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup toffee pieces


  • 1/3 cup brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/3 cup confectioners' sugar


  • To prepare cupcakes: preheat oven to 350°F Line 9 muffin cups with paper liners. Beat butter and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer until light and creamy. Add eggs and milk, then beat on medium-high speed for two minutes. Add flour, baking soda and salt; beat for an additional minute. Stir in toffee bits. Spoon into prepared tins and bake for 18 to 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove from tins while still slightly warm.
  • Frosting: While cupcakes are baking, combine brown sugar, cream and butter in a heavy saucepan to prepare frosting. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly. Continue boiling without stirring for one minute. Transfer to a mixing bowl and let cool for about 20 minutes. Beat in powdered sugar with an electric mixer until smooth; spread onto cooled cupcakes.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 688gCalories: 261.7kcalCarbohydrates: 39.6gProtein: 3.3gFat: 10.4gSaturated Fat: 6.2gCholesterol: 67.5mgSodium: 300.7mgFiber: 0.4gSugar: 28.1g
Keyword < 60 Mins, Dessert, Easy, Mexican
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Dora is a chef well-versed in Brazilian and American cuisine. After a hard day's work in the kitchen of her restaurant, she finds the time to jot down recipes for her food blog. Her recipes are sure to delight foodies everywhere, as she strives to make each one unique and enjoyable to read.