Indulge in Chocolate Peanut Butter Tamales Today!

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the most decadent, rich, and indulgent dessert you will ever taste – Chocolate Peanut Butter Tamales with Canela Crema! As a chef specializing in Brazilian and American cuisine, I can confidently say this recipe is sure to impress anyone’s taste buds.

When we typically think of tamales, we envision savory dishes made from masa harina and filled with pork, chicken, or vegetables. However, today we’re taking a sweet twist on the traditional Mexican dish by making sweet tamales with a peanut butter and dark chocolate filling.

If you’re a fan of rich desserts that ooze melted chocolate when you take a bite or if you love anything that has peanut butter in it, then hold your horses because you’re not ready for the level of satisfaction that these tamales bring. Trust me; this recipe will make your taste buds dance with joy!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Chocolate Peanut Butter
Chocolate Peanut Butter “tamales” With Canela Crema

My fellow gastronomes, listen up! I am here to introduce you to a recipe that will make your taste buds tingle with pleasure: Chocolate Peanut Butter “Tamales” with Canela Crema. This delightfully sweet and savory recipe is an absolute must-try, and I’m going to tell you exactly why.

First and foremost, the combination of smooth chocolate and crunchy peanut butter in each bite is simply divine. It’s like the ultimate comfort food for your sweet tooth. And when you add a touch of cinnamon with a dash of vanilla bean goodness, it’s truly next-level flavor.

Furthermore, this recipe is incredibly versatile. If you’re looking for a dessert to serve at a fancy dinner party or simply craving some sweets at home, it can be easily adapted to suit any occasion. Plus, this recipe is quick and easy to follow – perfect for those busy weeknights when you want something delicious but don’t have hours to spend in the kitchen.

And let’s not forget about that canela crema! This subtle yet flavorful cream cheese frosting adds just the right amount of sweetness to the tamales without overpowering the flavors of the chocolate and peanut butter.

But I won’t keep on blabbering about how good this recipe tastes, my friends. You’ll have to try it out yourself and experience it first-hand. Trust me; once you give it a go, you won’t be able to resist making this decadent treat time and again.

So prepare yourself for an explosion of flavor in each bite with these Chocolate Peanut Butter “Tamales” with Canela Crema – your taste buds will thank you for it.

Ingredient List

 This tamale is not what it seems - it's a sweet surprise!
This tamale is not what it seems – it’s a sweet surprise!


  • For Tamale Dough:
  • 4 cups masa harina
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3.5 cups hot water or broth
  • Corn husks, soaked in warm water for at least an hour

  • For Chocolate Peanut Butter Filling:

  • 1 cup crunchy peanut butter
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 8 oz dark chocolate, finely chopped

  • For Canela Crema:

  • 1 vanilla bean, scraped seeds
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 2 tbsp sugar

These tamales have a sweet and irresistible filling made with chocolate peanut butter. For the tamale dough, you will need masa harina (a type of corn flour), baking powder, salt and hot water or broth. The dough is then used to wrap the indulgent filling before steaming the tamales until they are cooked through. The Chocolate peanut butter filling can be made using crunchy peanut butter, powdered sugar, unsalted butter and finely chopped dark chocolate. For extra creaminess, top your tamales with homemade canela crema made with heavy cream, sugar, vanilla bean and cinnamon sticks.

The Recipe How-To

 Chocolate and peanut butter lovers, unite!
Chocolate and peanut butter lovers, unite!

Now, let’s get down to business: the recipe. Trust me, these Chocolate Peanut Butter “tamales” With Canela Crema are the real deal. Here is everything you need to make them.


  • 1 cup masa harina
  • 1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup dark chocolate, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup warm water

For The Canela Crema:

  • 3/4 cups heavy cream
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Step One: Preparing The Masa

Start by mixing the masa harina, cinnamon and salt in a bowl. Once they are well combined, add the peanut butter, chopped chocolate and powdered sugar. Mix all of these together until you get a consistent mixture.

Once your dry ingredients are mixed together, add the warm water to the bowl and stir until the dough is moist and easy to handle. The dough should not be too sticky or too dry. It should be easy to shape into neat little tamales.

Step Two: Preparing The Tamales

Lay out a corn husk on a flat surface and spoon about 1 tablespoon of masa onto it (Note: if using dried corn husks, they must be soaked in hot water for at least an hour before use). Spread the masa into a thin layer across the husk leaving some space at both ends.

Fold one end over then fold it again – this will create a little pocket for your filling. Add about a teaspoon of peanut butter in the space at the center of masa then fold over the other end of the husk to cover it completely.

Repeat this process with the remaining masa and filling to create around 12 tamales.

Step Three: Cooking The Tamales

Fill a tamale steamer pot or large saucepan with water until it comes about 1/3 way up the pot. Place a layer of corn husks or a reversed colander inside to make sure that the tamales stay above water.
Place this on a heat source over medium heat and let it come to a boil.

Once boiling, put in the prepared tamales, without overcrowding them. Cover the pot and let steam cook for 25-30 minutes.

Step Four: Preparing The Canela Crema

In a small saucepan over medium heat, whisk together the heavy cream and cinnamon until fragrant, for about 5 minutes. Split vanilla bean lengthwise, scrape out seeds and add them into the cream mixture along with sugar. Reduce heat to low, cook for additional 5 minutes , stirring constantly.


Substitutions and Variations

 Creamy, indulgent, and wrapped in a corn husk - but with a twist.
Creamy, indulgent, and wrapped in a corn husk – but with a twist.

If you’re feeling experimental, there are a few substitutions and variations you can try out to make your Chocolate Peanut Butter “tamales” even more unique. Here are some of my favorite ideas:

– For a Mexican twist, substitute the peanut butter with “mexican peanut butter” or add a dash of Mexican cinnamon (canela) to the recipe.

– If you prefer milk chocolate over dark chocolate or vice versa, feel free to use that instead.

– You can add a touch of fruity flavor by mixing in some cherry or pineapple into your batter. Alternatively, you could even make an Apple Cinnamon version by adding stewed apple and ground cinnamon.

– If you don’t have access to masa harina or corn flour, try using wheat flour instead. Keep in mind that this may alter the texture and taste of the final product.

– For a lighter dessert option, try substituting heavy cream with whipped cream.

– If you want to get really creative, try serving the tamales with Mole Sauce or Birria for a bolder flavor.

Ultimately, these variations are meant to be fun and playful ways to experiment with your recipes. Trust your palate and don’t be afraid to follow your cravings!

Serving and Pairing

 Peanut butter filling! Chocolate dough! Need we say more?
Peanut butter filling! Chocolate dough! Need we say more?

Now that you’ve prepared your Chocolate Peanut Butter “Tamales” with Canela Crema to perfection, it’s time to serve your mouth-watering creation! These tamales are perfect for any special occasion, but they’re also easy enough to make for yourself when you need a comforting treat.

To add a touch of sweet contrast to the dish, pair it with vanilla bean or cinnamon ice cream. This will create an ultimate flavor explosion in your mouth! Plus, the coldness of the ice cream paired with the warm and soft texture of the tamales is beyond compare.

For those who want something even more indulgent, try pairing these tamales with a spicy Mexican hot chocolate. The hot liquid blends perfectly with the peanut butter and dark chocolate creating an interesting mixture of flavors in your taste buds.

If you’re looking for something lighter, try complementing the tamales with a fresh fruit salad. The sweetness of apples, cherries or pineapple goes well with this recipe and balances out its rich flavors.

Another option is serving these tamales with some Pan Dulce or Mexican sweet bread for extra sweetness. Trust me; it will feel like paradise in your mouth.

In any case, make sure to enjoy this irresistible dessert while it’s still warm and gooey. Share them with your friends and family as their faces light up with delight at the taste of these unique “tamales”.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Sweet, savory, and a little bit sinful.
Sweet, savory, and a little bit sinful.

Ah, storing leftovers can be a daunting task. Especially after you’ve put so much love and effort into creating this delectable delicacy. Fear not! I’ve got some neat tricks up my sleeve to ensure that your Chocolate Peanut Butter “tamales” With Canela Crema tastes just as delicious as it did when it was freshly made.

If you want to make these tamales ahead of time, the best thing you can do is to store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. To reheat them, the steam method works best – Simply wrap them in a damp paper towel or cloth and then heat them in the microwave for about 30 seconds to soften them up.

Alternatively, if you’re planning on making these tamales in advance and storing them for later use, the freezer is your best friend. You can prepare the tamales as per the recipe instructions up to the point where they are wrapped in corn husks. Instead of steaming them, wrap them individually with plastic wrap and store them in an airtight container in the freezer for up to three months.

When you are ready to serve them, place the frozen tamales unwrapped on a steamer basket over simmering water and steam for 15-20 minutes until heated through. Alternatively, wrap each tamale with a damp paper towel or cloth before microwaving them for about 1 minute until heated evenly.

No matter which method you choose, make sure that you add a dollop of whipped cream or scoops of ice cream on top of each reheated tamale – this will elevate your leftovers into a silky and velvety sweet treat.

Tips for Perfect Results

 The perfect dessert for those with an adventurous palate.
The perfect dessert for those with an adventurous palate.

To achieve a perfect outcome when making chocolate peanut butter “tamales” with canela crema, consider the following tips:

1. Use the best-quality masa harina you can find: This ingredient is crucial for producing tamales with the desired texture and flavor. Look for masa harina made from ground corn treated with lime, which is called nixtamalization. I recommend using the Maseca brand.

2. Don’t skip the whipping step: You need to whip your butter until it becomes light and fluffy before adding sugars and peanut butter, as this is crucial in getting the right consistency for filling.

3. Use crunchy peanut butter: While you can use smooth peanut butter, I prefer to use crunchy to add some texture to this dish. The bits of peanuts inside the filling make the tamales even more delicious.

4. Chill your dough before shaping: Make sure you refrigerate your masa mixture for at least an hour before you start shaping your tamales. This resting time will make it easier to work with and ensure that they come out light and fluffy when cooked.

5. Seal your tamales properly: Fold both sides of the corn husk towards the center, then fold over one end until it meets the other end. Tie using a strip of corn husk or kitchen twine, then lay it on its folded edge in your steamer.

6. Don’t overfill your tamales: Overfilling your tamales will cause them to explode or split open during steaming. Remember to leave about an inch of space at both ends when placing filling on masa dough.

7. Use a large pot when steaming: When cooking tamales in large batches, make sure you use a pot that’s big enough to hold them all without overcrowding. Add enough water so that it doesn’t reach the bottom rack of your steamer basket.

8. Serve with your favorite topping: I recommend serving your chocolate peanut butter tamales with a dollop of canela crema and a sprinkle of powdered sugar on top. This dish also pairs well with ice cream or whipped cream.

Follow these tips, and you’ll have the perfect chocolate peanut butter “tamales” with canela crema every time. Enjoy!

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this recipe for chocolate peanut butter “tamales” with canela crema is a must-try for anyone looking to satisfy their sweet tooth with a unique and flavorful treat. With its combination of rich dark chocolate, creamy peanut butter, and aromatic cinnamon, this recipe will please even the most discerning palates.

Furthermore, the versatility of this recipe allows for experimentation with different ingredients and variations, making it a fun and engaging experience in the kitchen. Whether you prefer sweet tamales or savory ones, the possibilities are endless.

But don’t take my word for it – go ahead and try this recipe for yourself! You won’t be disappointed. And for those who are new to tamale-making or hesitant to try, fear not – the step-by-step instructions provided ensure that anyone can successfully make these delicious treats.

So grab your ingredients and get ready to indulge in the decadence that is chocolate peanut butter “tamales” with canela crema. Your taste buds will thank you.

Chocolate Peanut Butter "tamales" With Canela Crema

Chocolate Peanut Butter “tamales” With Canela Crema Recipe

These sound decadent! I haven't tried these yet, but I'm planning to. The "masa" in these is a peanut butter dough, and they're chilled instead of steamed. Adapted from The amount of crema de canela in the original version seemed a bit much for four servings (half a pint of cream per serving!), so I reduced the recipe to have enough sauce for very generous drizzling rather than a soup bowl per serving. Cooking time includes chilling times.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 30 mins
Cook Time 1 hr
Course Dessert
Cuisine Mexican
Calories 970.4 kcal



  • 4 corn husks, soaked and washed well
  • 4 ounces good-quality dark chocolate
  • 3/4 cup crunchy peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar


  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 pint heavy cream
  • 1/2 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
  • 1 teaspoon ground mexican cinnamon (canela)


  • "TAMALES":.
  • Combine the peanut butter and powdered sugar in a mixing bowl until well-mixed (either by hand or electric mixer). Divide the mixture into 4 equal pieces, then roll each piece into a flat 2" log. Cover and chill these for 15 minutes.
  • Melt the chocolate in a double boiler.
  • Lay out the cornhusks, smooth side up. Spoon a generous tablespoon of melted chocolate on a husk and spread it out into a rectangle in the center of the husk. Top chocolate with one log of peanut butter. Fold the husk in on both sides, then turn seam side down on a plate. Repeat with the rest of the husks.
  • Chill tamales on a plate in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
  • CREMA:.
  • While the tamales are chilling, prepare the crema.
  • Whisk yolks and sugar together until well blended. Meanwhile, gently heat the cream, half of the cinnamon, and the vanilla bean in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Bring to a boil. Pour half of the cream mixture into the egg yolk mixture, whisking constantly as you pour (this tempers the yolks). Pour this mixture back into the saucepan with the rest of the cream over low heat. Stir this continuously and cook until it becomes thick enough to coat a spoon. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.
  • To serve, unwrap the chilled "tamales". You can either place tamale in a puddle of crema on the plate, or you can drizzle crema over the tamale in the opened husk. Sprinkle with the remaining cinnamon.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 232gCalories: 970.4kcalCarbohydrates: 50.4gProtein: 19gFat: 85.1gSaturated Fat: 41.2gCholesterol: 257.4mgSodium: 291.1mgFiber: 8.9gSugar: 31.7g
Keyword < 4 Hours, Dessert, Mexican
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Dora is a chef well-versed in Brazilian and American cuisine. After a hard day's work in the kitchen of her restaurant, she finds the time to jot down recipes for her food blog. Her recipes are sure to delight foodies everywhere, as she strives to make each one unique and enjoyable to read.