Delicious Peruvian Causa Rellena Recipe

Calling all foodies and culinary adventurers! Have you ever tasted the Peruvian delicacy known as causa rellena? This layered potato dish has been a favorite appetizer found in local restaurants and kitchen tables throughout the country. But fear not, because today I will unveil my personal recipe for causa rellena, which combines the delicious flavors of mashed potatoes, chicken salad, and ajĂ­ amarillo paste.

But what is causa rellena, you might ask? Essentially, it is a type of Peruvian potato cake made with boiled and mashed yellow potatoes (also known as Peruvian potatoes or papas amarillas). The mashed potatoes are then seasoned with lime juice, salt, and ajĂ­ amarillo paste to create a flavorful base for the dish.

One of the reasons why I love making causa rellena is because it can be customized based on personal preferences. Some people use shredded chicken or tuna as the filling, while others opt for vegetarian options like avocado or egg salad. The variations are endless!

If you’re feeling adventurous in the kitchen and want to impress your guests with a unique and delicious appetizer, then look no further than my causa rellena recipe. With just a few simple ingredients and steps, you’ll have a taste of Peru right in your own home. So let’s get started!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Causa Rellena
Causa Rellena

Are you always on the hunt for new and exciting recipes? Look no further than Causa Rellena, a classic Peruvian dish that will be sure to impress your taste buds. This recipe takes an ordinary mashed potato dish and transforms it into a savory and flavorful appetizer found in local restaurants, kitchen tables throughout the country.

Adding to its delicious taste, this recipe is relatively simple to make with basic ingredients that you likely already have in your kitchen, such as skinless chicken breasts, yellow potatoes, red onion, chili pepper, and parsley. The star ingredient of this dish, however, is the ajĂ­ amarillo paste made from Peruvian yellow chile peppers. Its distinctly unique flavor and spice are what sets this dish apart from other similar potato dishes.

But what truly sets Causa Rellena apart is how versatile it is in terms of its preparations. Replace the chicken salad with your favorite protein like tuna or shrimp for a tasty twist. Plus, its elegant presentation makes it ideal for any occasion – from family dinners to fancy parties!

This fusion of flavors will leave you begging for more with every bite; if there’s one thing I know for sure – once you’ve tried Causa Rellena, there’s no going back!

Ingredient List

 Layers of flavor and texture create the perfect Causa Rellena dish
Layers of flavor and texture create the perfect Causa Rellena dish

Before cooking your Causa Rellena Recipe, it’s essential to have all the necessary ingredients. For this Peruvian dish, you will need:

For the Causa:

  • Yellow potatoes, peeled (1 1/2 pounds)
  • Lime juice (1/4 cup)
  • Aji Amarillo paste (2 tablespoons)
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Olive oil (1/4 cup)

For the Chicken Salad Layer:

  • Skinless chicken breasts (12 ounces)
  • Salt (1/2 teaspoon)
  • Pepper, to taste
  • Lemon juice (juice of 1 lemon)
  • Red onion, diced (1/2 cup)
  • Parsley, chopped (1/4 cup)

For Assembly:

  • Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled (1 1/2 pounds)
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Chili pepper, sliced

Make sure to get all these ingredients before starting the recipe to have a smooth cooking process.

The Recipe How-To

 A vibrant and colorful dish that tastes as good as it looks
A vibrant and colorful dish that tastes as good as it looks

Now, it’s time to get cooking! Here is the step-by-step guide to making your own Causa Rellena.


Before we start, let’s quickly go over the ingredient list you’ll need:

  • 3 yellow potatoes
  • 2 skinless chicken breasts
  • 1/4 cup of lemon or lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon of aji amarillo paste
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Lettuce leaves
  • A handful of chopped parsley and chopped red onion for garnish

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Peel 3 yellow potatoes and boil them until tender.
  2. While the potatoes are cooking, poach the chicken breasts in a separate pot by filling it with enough water to cover the chicken, salt and lemon juice.
  3. Once cooked, shred the chicken breasts with a fork.
  4. Drain water from the potatoes and mash them in a mixing bowl using a fork or potato masher. Add salt, pepper to taste, 1/4 cup of lemon or lime juice and 1 tablespoon of aji amarillo paste (or more if you want more heat) to the mashed potatoes. Mix well.
  5. Divide the mashed potatoes into two equal parts.
  6. In a separate bowl, mix one part mashed potatoes with shredded chicken breasts and some olive oil.
  7. On a flat surface or plate, layer one part mashed potatoes followed by some lettuce leaves and then add the chicken salad on top of lettuce leafs. Repeat this layering process (potato layer + lettuce layer + chicken salad layer) until you finish all ingredients.
  8. Finally, garnish with chopped parsley and chopped red onion on top of Causa Rellena.

Bon Appétit!

You now have a delicious Causa Rellena ready to enjoy! This Peruvian dish will leave your taste buds satisfied and your belly full. Don’t forget to snap a picture and tag us on social media so we can share in the deliciousness.

Substitutions and Variations

 Embrace the bold flavors of Peruvian cuisine with this traditional dish
Embrace the bold flavors of Peruvian cuisine with this traditional dish

– If you don’t have yellow potatoes or Yukon Gold, you can substitute them with regular potatoes. However, keep in mind that the texture and flavor may slightly vary.

– Instead of chicken, you can use canned tuna, shrimp, or any other protein of your preference.

– If you can’t find aji amarillo chile paste, you can use red bell pepper paste instead.

– For a vegetarian version, omit the meat and add sliced hard-boiled eggs or diced avocado.

– In place of parsley, you can use cilantro or any fresh herb that you prefer.

– To make it spicier, add more chili pepper or ajĂ­ amarillo paste according to your preference.

– You can also layer the causa filling with other ingredients such as cooked quinoa, roasted vegetables, or cheese for added depth and flavors.

– For a gluten-free version, make sure to use gluten-free breadcrumbs if making potato cakes to avoid gluten contamination.

Remember that cooking is all about creativity and adapting recipes to your taste and preferences. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations and substitutions to create your own unique variation of the classic Peruvian Causa Rellena recipe

Serving and Pairing

 This dish may require a bit of effort, but the end result is well worth it!
This dish may require a bit of effort, but the end result is well worth it!

So you’ve prepared a delicious Causa Rellena, but what should you serve it with? This versatile dish can be served as an appetizer or a main course, depending on how it’s prepared and paired.

For a light and fresh meal, serve the Causa Rellena alongside a simple salad made from mixed greens, tomatoes, and red onions. A sprinkle of chopped parsley adds a touch of freshness that complements the bright flavors of the dish.

If you’re looking for heartier fare, the Causa Rellena pairs perfectly with grilled chicken or steak. The spice of the dish is nicely balanced by the richness of the meat, making for a wonderfully satisfying meal.

When it comes to beverages, a crisp and refreshing white wine is an excellent choice to pair with the bright and tangy flavors of the dish. Alternatively, consider serving a bright and citrusy Pisco Sour cocktail – a Peruvian classic that pairs perfectly with Causa Rellena.

Whether you’re hosting a casual dinner party or just looking for something special to enjoy with loved ones, Causa Rellena is a crowd-pleaser that’s sure to impress. With its many variations and complementary dishes and drinks, this recipe is perfect for any occasion. So get cooking – your taste buds will thank you!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 The perfect appetizer or snack for any occasion
The perfect appetizer or snack for any occasion

Are you planning to prepare the Causa Rellena recipe in advance? No problem, this dish can be made ahead of time and stored for a few hours or even a day in the fridge. In fact, I would recommend that you make this recipe at least a few hours before serving to allow the flavors to fully develop.

To store Causa Rellena, cover it tightly with plastic wrap or aluminum foil and refrigerate. Before serving, let it sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes to take off the chill. Alternatively, you can reheat individual slices in the microwave on medium power for 15-20 seconds until warmed through.

While this recipe can be made ahead of time and kept in the fridge, it is best consumed within a day or two. Any longer than that, and the potatoes will start to lose their texture and flavor.

Additionally, if you have leftover shredded chicken or mashed potatoes from another dish, you can use them to make Causa Rellena. This not only helps eliminate food waste but also saves you time in the kitchen.

Overall, Causa Rellena is an excellent make-ahead dish that can be stored and reheated without losing much of its flavor or texture. So go ahead and prepare this Peruvian classic ahead of time and be ready to impress your guests with a tasty and beautiful appetizer at your next gathering!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Don't be afraid to get creative with your ingredients and toppings
Don’t be afraid to get creative with your ingredients and toppings

If you’re a fan of Peruvian cuisine, you’ve probably heard about the delicious Causa Rellena recipe. This Peruvian dish has become more popular in recent years and can now be found in local restaurants, kitchen tables throughout the country, and it’s a must-try if you’re looking for an appetizer with amazing flavors! If you’ve decided to prepare this delicacy at home, I have some tips that will help you achieve perfect results.

Firstly, it’s important to work with chilled yellow potatoes to make the mashed potato dough. As soon as they are cooked, let them rest and then put them in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight. This allows the potatoes to release excess water, resulting in a firmer and more cohesive mixture.

Secondly, adding extra ingredients like finely chopped onions and parsley will help enhance the flavor of your causa rellena. Be sure to adjust your seasoning accordingly. Using quality salt and fresh lemon juice will balance the taste of the dish and give it a zesty flavor.

Another trick is to use poached chicken breasts instead of canned tuna or any other protein source. Mixing all ingredients creates a delicious filling that finds balance between sweet and spicy flavors.

Finally, make sure to let your causa rellena rest before cutting it. It is important to wait for at least 30 minutes before cutting so that everything holds together well on your plate!

Following these tips will ensure that your causa rellena recipe results are authentic and absolutely delicious for everyone at home or guests at dinner parties!


As a chef, it is not only important for me to share the recipe but also answer any questions that may arise. That’s why I have compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding my Causa Rellena Recipe. In this section, I will address some of the common queries and concerns related to preparing this delicious Peruvian delicacy. So if you have any doubts or need clarification on any part of the recipe or associated techniques, make sure to read through these FAQs.

What is causa rellena made of?

In Peru, causa rellena is a well-known starter often enjoyed in restaurants or as a homemade dish. Consisting of layers of mashed potatoes, avocado, and chicken or tuna (or vegetarian variations), it is typically served chilled and decorated in a visually appealing manner.

What is Peruvian causa made of?

Causa is a delectable Peruvian dish consisting of mashed potatoes that are sandwiched with fillings like chicken, tuna or other options, and is popularly known as Causa limeña in Lima. The key ingredients in this dish are Peruvian yellow potatoes and ají amarillo paste, which is made from Peruvian yellow chili.

What do you eat with causa?

To add the final touches to the causa rellena, you can opt for a sprig of parsley or any other traditional toppings like sliced hardboiled eggs, black olives, or avocado. It’s best served chilled to enhance the flavors.

What is causa rellena translation?

Causa is a dish that has been enjoyed in Peru for many generations, with its name deriving from the Quechuan term ‘kausaq,’ which means giving life. The word causa is specifically used to describe the yellow potato known as papa amarilla, while rellena refers to the delicious stuffing within the potato.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the Causa Rellena recipe is an absolute must-try for anyone who loves bold and vibrant flavors. As a chef specializing in Brazilian and American cuisine, I can attest to the versatility and deliciousness of this Peruvian dish. The combination of creamy mashed potatoes, spicy chili pepper, tangy lime juice, and savory chicken salad creates a harmonious blend of flavors that will make your taste buds dance with joy.

Not only is this dish delicious, but it’s also a great way to impress guests at your next dinner party or potluck event. The layered potato dish is not only visually impressive but also easy to assemble ahead of time, making it a perfect make-ahead appetizer.

With easy substitutions and variations, you can customize this recipe to suit your preferences and dietary needs. Try swapping out the chicken for tuna or incorporating different vegetables like bell peppers or avocado.

Overall, the Causa Rellena recipe is a wonderful introduction to Peruvian cuisine and will surely become a popular addition to your recipe collection. So don’t hesitate to give this dish a try and experience the bold and delicious flavors for yourself!

Causa Rellena

Causa Rellena Recipe

Causa is a cold, layered, potato salad from Peru. While it is just as tasty no matter how it is arranged on the plate, traditional causa's colorful layers lend themselves to spectacular presentation. This is a simplified chicken causa from the University of Illinois Extension Service.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 2 hrs 30 mins
Cook Time 0 mins
Course Appetizer
Cuisine Peruvian
Calories 339.9 kcal


  • 2 lbs yellow potatoes, peeled and boiled
  • 1 cup chili pepper, minced (yellow aji)
  • 1 lemon
  • vegetable oil (if needed)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 skinless chicken breasts, cooked (10-12 ounces)
  • 1 red onion, chopped
  • 1 cup reduced-calorie mayonnaise
  • lettuce leaf
  • olive
  • parsley


  • Mash the potatoes. Allow potatoes to cool until they are comfortable to handle.
  • Mix the potatoes with the peppers, salt and juice from half a lemon. Knead until it forms a smooth paste. If the potatoes don’t stick together well, add a trickle of vegetable oil and continue kneading until it sticks.
  • In a separate container, season the onion with salt and juice from half a lemon.
  • In another container, shred the chicken and mix it with half the mayonnaise.
  • Separate the potato and chili mixture into portions. For a simple presentation, form into a flat mound on a salad plate. For a more elaborate causa, use a round metal spring mold (or a soup can with both ends cut out).
  • Cover with a layer of the onion mixture.
  • Cover with a layer of the the chicken.
  • (For simple presentation, use one layer of each component. For elaborate presentation, use multiple thinner layers, ending with potato on the top.).
  • Chill before serving. Garnish with the rest of the mayonnaise, lettuce, olives or parsley.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 232gCalories: 339.9kcalCarbohydrates: 31.5gProtein: 21.4gFat: 14.4gSaturated Fat: 2.3gCholesterol: 59.6mgSodium: 768.3mgFiber: 4.9gSugar: 4.5g
Keyword < 4 Hours, Healthy, Low Cholesterol, Peruvian, Potato, South American, Vegetable
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Dora is a chef well-versed in Brazilian and American cuisine. After a hard day's work in the kitchen of her restaurant, she finds the time to jot down recipes for her food blog. Her recipes are sure to delight foodies everywhere, as she strives to make each one unique and enjoyable to read.